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  • Location
    West palm beach, Florida
  • My Project Cars
    1949 B1B Truck

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  1. Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with my fuel pump on my 49 dodge we want to be. As you can see from the photo below had to order a new fuel pump however the only one that they're showing available for the 1949 dodge has a different peice that goes inside the engine. My old one is straight and this is bent at an angle. They are telling me this is the only fuel pump available. I just can't seem to get it to fit. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help. Robert
  2. Thanks so much to everyone for their help. I am going to restore it to the original back to the transmission. I looked in the manual and found that the parts I am missing are all from the clamp/band assembly. Basically all the pieces from this photo below. Any idea where I can purchase them? Thx, Robert
  3. Here is the back end photos of the truck if this helps any.
  4. Here is another photo of the cable that is hanging. I'll post the rear photo in the am. Thanks again
  5. I am new to this forum and I need some help. I just purchased a 1949 dodge B1B truck and I am trying to figure out where the cable coming out of the drum in the rear it's attached to for the handbrake. I have looked at the diagrams from the old manuals but I'm not sure if there are two cables, as you can see from my photo my cable is not long enough to attach to the handbrake assembly. What am I missing?
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