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Everything posted by Billy6

  1. Billy6


    The 36to38 overdrive unit was apparently sold a couple weeks after the above was posted. In any case the person selling it never returned several phone calls. I have not located a unit for my P10.
  2. p24-1953, did you receive my response?


  3. As suggested earlier in this discussion your problem seems to be too much fuel in the bowl (excepting a crack somewhere). The cause is either: leaking float, bad/sticking/incorrect float pin, defective float pin lock or very excessive pump pressure. My personal experience with this more than once has been a sticking float pin. Make sure to use a new pin and that the pin seat is scrupulously clean. You can't tell by just looking at it. The tiniest bit of varnish can make it stick. The percolating you are now experiencing at shut-down may be heat related in that the fuel is at the top of the bowl and any latent heat causes it to expand slightly and overflow. The only other issue could be the float level set too high, but I assume you've covered that. Keep at it!!
  4. Thank you Andydodge, oldasdirt, desoto, and Branded for the responses. Very helpful! This is a great forum with knowledgeable and caring members. I think I'll keep my eyes open for a Fenton or Edmunds. No one ever has much good to say about Offys.
  5. I am trying to determine if the currently available Offenhauser dual carb intake would fit my '40 201 flathead. It is advertised to bolt on the 218 and 230. (The 201 is also the 23" block) .Believe it or not, Summit can't answer my question! Even Offenhauser has not returned a week-old call to me on this. I see no reason why it wouldn't fit but would sure like some confirmation. Can anyone help? thanks in advance!
  6. Billy6


    The 36to38 overdrive unit is still for sale in a local "want-advertiser". For $245. It is the non-electric version. Anyone who wants that info let me know. Now I am looking for an R10. Any out there?
  7. Billy6


    Thanks dpollo. Never thought of the floor shift issue. I'll look for an R10. That was the mid '50s Plymouth overdrive I believe.
  8. Billy6


    I have found an overdrive transmission claimed to be out of a 36 or 37 Plymouth. It has the bell housing. Would this be a bolt-in for my 1940 Plymouth 201 ci ? thanks in advance!
  9. Thanks! the temp gauge is missing from the dash and I just assumed it was to be an electric unit. The temp sender hole in the block is plugged with a iron plug. So now I search for a capillary mechanical gauge. That'll be interesting to try and find. I suppose a later electrical gauge and sender would work, wouldn't it?
  10. Does anyone know if flatty 6 volt temp gauge senders are still available? Would a 12 volt sender work? 1940 plym P10. Thanks!
  11. "Never trust a new thermostat". I installed two in a row on my 40 Plymouth and they were both bad. I learned to always test a new thermostat in hot water with a meat thermometer before installing.
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