So I still haven't confirmed anything for sure on my smoke issue, though I did finally get a chance to do a compression test today. I don't have the luxury of keeping my truck at home as I live in an apartment so needless to say I don't to work on it as often as I'd like to. I did the compression test both Dry and Wet and did find cylinder number 3 is a bit low but had very little change by adding oil to the cylinder. I believe this should rule out any issue with the compression rings though it still wouldn't rule out an oil ring problem, though if I'm not mistaken a bad oil ring should cause smoke at all times not just coming off of idle like mine is doing but I could be wrong. My mechanical knowledge is very good but not so much when it comes to internal engine problems unless it's something very obvious. The compression test results are as follows:
#1 - 95, #2 - 100, #3 -70, #4 - 90, #5 - 95, #6 - 100
#1 - 100, #2 - 105, #3 - 75, #4 - 90, #5 - 110, #6 - 110
Hopefully someone can give some direction as to the next step prior to a tear down. This engine has been rebuilt at some point in it's life though I have no idea how long ago, but based on these numbers it looks like it would've been a long time ago. I say that it's been rebuilt as the pistons are stamped made in England and are 30 Thou oversize neither of which looks like something that would be factory original for when the truck was built, but I could be wrong. The engine running very smooth and quite so I have a hard time thinking it would be anything related to the valves, not saying there might not be an issue there but it does run very smooth which if it had bent a valve I would think it would be running a little rougher than it is.
Thanks in advance for any help with this