Well. I want it to be a four wheel drive work truck with a flat bed. I don't want anything smaller than a 3/4 ton. I have done some frame measurements on 97-00 dodge 1 ton frames at my local pick and pull and compared to the Dakota frames I measured the 1 tone is about 1/2 inch narrower than Dakota frames. I will have to widen the back of the cab just a little bit where it straddles the frame. My fabrication skills are good, however my dad's are excellent. He is a welder and fabricator for a company that builds clean air systems for factories. It's a German owned company and he has been employed there since the beginning and I'm the same building with the company before that. Totals years in one building 30 between both companies. He's the old fart that also gets to fix everybody else's mistakes. Lol he's going to be a big part in the fabrication process. I want to put this truck on an already complete running chassis. I have another truck that I have had since i was 15 that I have built for a show truck. I still have to do paint and bodywork on it. The Dodge was used in military service and also used for hauling asphalt. The frame and body is covered in asphalt. As far as I can remember it always had a flatbed on it. It belonged to my grandfather. I want something I can haul my show truck with, pull a camper trailer, and just be an all around work truck that I can enjoy everyday and not feel under powered using it. Basically all I'm starting with is a shell. I already have to build floor pans. The motor had been swapped out to a ford motor so a very crude home made fire wall pedal setup was made and welded to the dash brace. I don't want to use that I need something better.