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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  1. The carb was taken apart and the gas soaked up to ensure there was no water mixed in the gas. After trying to start it, the carb was not flooded. As for the starting...after it stalled, I had started it a few times (5 or 6) and it not stay running...just stalling. The last two times it was started, it backfired...it has never backfired previously. The plugs were removed and cleaned, the points show good spark, but could have been stronger, coil wire has good connections, distributor cap pulled and checked, everything lined up manually for timing and the white line is lined up. I had some work done recently, the only portion that affected the engine was to replace the intake manifold gasket, if that means anything. This is very strange. Oh, yes, there is gas in the tank, by the way. Rick
  2. Hello Everybody, Just being a non-mechanical person, I hope I can ask a question and get some feedback on a strange issue. I got the car back from the garage and had been driving it around for a few days. Excellent running and driving and love driving it around. Three days ago (two days after the last time I drove it), I stared it up and tried to back it out of the garage, and it stalled. I assumed it was just not yet warmed up, so I started it again..and again..and again...it would not stay running, backfired with black gusts of smoke, even with the pedal pressed down all the way...pumping the pedal gave a little longer running time..but not way near full throttle. Now, it wont even start. Motor tuns over nicely and smoothly. Someone looked at it and told me the points are good with sparks, coil is good, carb is good, no water in the gas, getting lots of gas through the pedal, timing mark is lined up. He can't figure it out, and he is a journeyman mechanic. He told me the only possibilty now is the timing chain/gear may have slipped one cog, even though the mark is lined up. Is this possible and have you ever heard of this situation? Help!!!!!
  3. http://edmonton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-parts-accessories-1976-monte-carlo-1966-dodge-polara-striping-for-demoliton-W0QQAdIdZ137430412 Being a youg'un as I am, my very first car was a 1966 Dodge Polara 4-door hardtop, with a 318, auto, std steering and brakes. She did me very good and got me out of a lot of jams. (poor decisions on driving and directions) This one twanged at me, I can see my burgundy lass being stripped down to the nuts and bolts. If anyone can keep a part of her alive, please do. BTW, Kijiji Canada is as popular as Craigslist in the United States. The posters are usually VERY true to their word. I.e., if they say it's free, it's free.....you would probably have to pick up shipping, but hey, that is the way. Rick
  4. http://edmonton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-classic-cars-53-merc-4-door-sedan-parts-car-Complete-W0QQAdIdZ136586274
  5. Still don't know about the 55 DeSoto, but I may have found a match in Ontario. Canada, that is
  6. I probably would have forgotten it by then and bought new ones, then find it while I was putting the finishing screw on...
  7. Anyone know if the emergency brake drum from a 55 DeSoto will fit a 48 D24? I asked for a 48 e-brake drum on parts wanted, no response. Thanks
  8. I was at my mechanic's today and he showed me the strangest thing. The emergency brake drum from my '48 D24 (picture of car on my profile) was partially broken off. Imagine you bite around the edge of an ice cream cone; that's what it looked like. Is this common? Any idea what a used one goes for? Anyone have one they're willing to part with? Rick
  9. I went to a farm machinery brake and clutch repair shop. 3 hours and extremely reasonable. They even cleaned and painted it for me.
  10. I'll show this picture to my mechanic...the good one...
  11. Brakes not dragging at all, had front drums machined and in desperate need of a right rear drum. The previous mechanic decided (he did not know they came attached) to take the hub off the drum. When it was put back together, it is out of round by 1/4". Cannot turn that much. The brakes "pulsates" and makes a hollow sound when the brakes are applied. Only weekend driving, with the odd day here and there. No more than 200 miles per month. Thanks for the tip on the oil.
  12. No difficulty moving, she goes pretty good using the proper gears. I have had her at 63 mph on the highway...no shakes nor shimmies...had the kingpins and tie-rod ends replaced
  13. Hmmm...if not transmission, then what would make it sound as if working under load?
  14. Any type of tractor oil?
  15. Can the wheel bearings make it sound as if the engine is working?
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