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ex Gladius

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    SL, UT
  • Interests
  • My Project Cars
    1963 GMC 1 ton dually 283 w/4speed.
    1956 Willys Jeep with a Hurricane..
    and the car i help my buddy with is a 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe, Flathead 6 with a 3 on the tree.

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    I am 26 years old and love working on/driving old cars and shooting guns..
  • Occupation
    apprentice mechanic
  1. Anyone got a source on the bushings for the tranny linkage?
  2. Yeah I dont think the cd would do me much good in the driveway or shop lol.. Lucky to get lights out there let alone a PC haha...
  3. Thanks for all the replies guys, still have the reverse issue gonna tackle it whenever it stops raining here. Do you guys have any good sources on the service manual?
  4. got the new wheel cylinder all is well! Gonna have to get a service manual i guess we dont have one. So the rod on the transmission that hooks to the lever furthest back has slop like crazy you can touch it with a finger and the sucker moves sideways. Is this the one thats supposed to have the bushing? if so it is missing
  5. Hey guys my buddy bought this 49 Special Deluxe about 7 months ago it shifted fine when he got it but after sitting in the garage for the winter it will no longer go in reverse. I have heard that the 3 on the trees can bind up a bit and cause it not to be able to go into gear. I was wondering if anyone had some experience with these? On a separate note we changed all 6 wheel cylinders today and had the drivers side upper blow after pumping the brakes to check pressure. I'm guessing its a bad part as the brake fluid filled up the boot until it popped off. So we will be back at it tomorrow morning and am hoping to get the transmission sorted out if we can since it's already up on jackstands.
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