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Brent L

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Outdoors, now tinkering with old trucks
  • My Project Cars
    First one

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    I picked up this truck for a project for myself and my son
  • Occupation
    Gas Plant operator
  1. Thanks very much Brent
  2. Gentlemen, Hello again, this is Brent, I searched up the size and it was 1 5/8". when I bought it it wasn't the same shape. the 1 i bought was like a cup and the ones online were shaped like a mushroom. Any thoughts?
  3. Yup. Just inform them. might go in the ll lead paint area
  4. Eco Station
  5. Thanks will do
  6. Not sure about the coil. Will look into it. What about the 10w-40 versus the 30w
  7. Thanks guys, Just don't want to cook anything. It seems when power is on and I honk the horn the gauges go wonky but the engine still turns over but very slowly. still working on getting it running. Also I put 10w-40 in it and was then told that I shouldn't put oil with detergent in it. Should I just drain it again and use straight 30W. Brent L
  8. I have just acquired a 1948 dodge B1D. I was told it is positive to ground 6v. the battery positive wire is connected to the starter? How do I determine if it is positive to ground? would it be on the generator? Thanks, Brent
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