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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sanford, FL
  • Interests
    old vehicles
  • My Project Cars
    1967 Mustang convertible
    1938 Chevy truck
    1952 Desoto 4dr sedan

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  1. Thanks, that helps break my frustration. I removed the right side and the rear is right threaded while the front is left.
  2. So I take off the 1st wheel (left rear) without issue using my impact gun. I move to the left front and can't get the bolts to break loose. I put a 4 ft breaker bar on them and can slowly get them to turn. I finally get one bolt to turn to the right a little and then working it left and then right it comes off. I then get a 2nd bolt to come off the same way. Looking at the threads to make sure I'm not stripping any, I notice they are left hand threads. The last 3 come easily once I turn them the correct way. I still need to take the right side wheels off. Are they threaded the same (right hand threads)? Thanks, Wayne
  3. So tell me what P15-D24 represents. Where does my Desoto fit?
  4. I'm in Sanford, just north of Orlando. Here is my Julia: http://s30.photobucket.com/user/waynebmw/slideshow/Julia%201952%20Desoto just coming out from the barn.
  5. I just acquired a '52 Desoto Firedome. It's a 4 dr sedan with a V8 motor and what I think is 3 speed on the column. The car has been parked in a building since 1971. It came from North Dakota. The body is very solid with no rust issues. I haven't tried to turn the motor yet, I'm going to soak it with Kroil 1st and make sure it will rotate by hand. I'm looking forward to getting info and guidance as I undertake putting it back on the road. I don't know the rules about posting photos here, so some help is appreciated. Thanks, Wayne
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