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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern Calif.
  • Interests
    Car restoration, metal detecting
  • My Project Cars
    1949 Plymouth Special a Deluxe convertible.

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  • Biography
    Moved to Calif. from Texas in 1999. Married with two kids.
  • Occupation
  1. Rob Just wanted to let you the oil bath for the crank gear worked like a charm. Thanks so much for the advice! Phil
  2. Thanks Rob. This is much appreciated. I feel much more confident that I can do this.
  3. Thanks Bob, these are great pictures. This is extremely helpful. Where would I be able to get a C-49 installation tool? Also, is that a large round cap bolt inserted in the crank snout that the puller is pushing against? Thanks so much! Phil
  4. Thanks, but how do I install the crankshaft sprocket on which the timing chain sits. I haven't got it off yet but the kit I bought included both the cam and crankshaft sprockets and the chain was really stretched so I think that both need to be replaced. Would I just slip the new sprocket on and then then gently tap into place using something a little bigger in circumference than the crankshaft? Thanks!
  5. Hey guys. I'm new to the forum and glad to be here. I've got a 49 Plymouth with a 218. I'm replacing the timing chain and was wondering if there was work around on reinstalling the crankshaft gear and crank hub. The manual refers to a C-522 which I'm sure is impossible to find. Thanks
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