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10 Good
  1. I love this site you guys are so helpful. I enjoy seeing pictures of everyones cars and hope to be starting on my car soon and will add pics as we get her back on the road. I just wanted to let you guys know I bought her for $200 dollars.
  2. I love the car looks great. I was wondering is there any car clubs out there for 1930's and 40's dodges like mine. Keep post the pics. love to see what others have done.
  3. If anyone has pictures of thier 1940 dodge i would love to see them. I am not sure just how I am going to do mine. I need all the ideas I can get so I welcome all that you guys have.
  4. I plan on building a hot rod out of it and taking it to local car shows.
  5. I believe I have a 1940 dodge d-14 but I am not sure and could use some help in figuring out what I really have here the serial number is 4401680.
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