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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
  • Interests
    1955 Dodge PU and anything old.
  • My Project Cars
    1955 Dodge PU Series 3.

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  • Biography
    Born in So. Call around classic cars, didn't get my 1st until in my 40's and still working on it.
  • Occupation
    Operation Manager
  1. It says to remove tran, bell housing, clutch release bearing and assembly then to mark the clutch and fly wheel and remove bolts. In my 55 the bell housing is mounted to the cross member of the frame and holds the back part of the motor, seams like either I have to take the motor out or support it while I take these two bolts out? Maybe the upper bolts will hold the motor and it would be ok-this is what I'm trying to find out? Thanks
  2. Thanks all, is there any other idea's or do I have to support the eng. to take the cover off the clutch to have rebuilt? I don't think since its my first one I can do this through the inspection plate.
  3. Thanks Merle it worked great. Next step for me is the clutch. This looks like I have to pull the motor because the back two mounts are for the housing and motor- any help or ideas?
  4. Pulling my gear box out from the clutch housing and found that my gear shift shaft which is very long has a bolt running through the top about a inch below the pivot joint. It look like some type of plug. How do I get this shaft out so I can drop the gear box?
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