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Everything posted by superbee

  1. Just started doing this the other day plan on looking at it over the weekend ,but this is whats going on. Car starts and idles fine but more rpm the car starts to break up. Im thinking timing and possible vacuum advance issue?
  2. Does the oil pump have anything to do with timing other then turning the distributor? Someone told me the pump itself need to be put in a certain way.
  3. I didn't check valve lash or head gasket to be honest I never have or know how to check valve lash. Im pretty much a self taught and feel comfortable working on anything and with help from great fourm like this makes it even easier. At this point since I won't be driving the car till spring might be a good idea for freshen up the motor. I'll take a photo of the motor with the head off and post in the morning some of the valves are black and pitted.
  4. I just picked up the car last month and have been driving it stock motor with 44k. Just to know I decided to do a test this is how I did it tell me if im wrong. Pulled all the plugs put the gauge in #1 and cranked the motor over till the gauge stopped moving did this for all 6. The #1 was only 50psi so I added some oil retested and it went up to 100psi. I didn't bother wet testing the rest because at this point I figured I needed rings?? I did pull the head and was able to watch all the valves open and close but is there a chance they could still be bad?
  5. Could someone tell what kind of compression I should be reading on my 51 218cid. Seems to be all over the place from 50-110 psi Thanks
  6. Few more. To be honest I got the car to flip so I could put the money into my other cars but I really like it so on the fence keep it ,sell it or custom? My wife really likes it and said just keep it.
  7. Hi Guys, just picked up a 51 business coupe with 44K and came with a extra 54 motor and trans new clutch still in box and a 53 block that the guy thinks is a 251cid not sure how to tell but the pistons are much larger then the 218 that's in the car now. Im a mopar guy and have a 70 superbee,68 dart and I drive a new 2500 cummings ram my wife even has a dodge nitro. Not sure if I want to hot rod the car or leave it yet. Hope you like.
  8. I am completely new to this forum. I have a 1947 Special Deluxe Coupe and want to convert the oil bath to a paper air cleaner. Can anyone help me with products, sizes, etc.? Thanks much. Dannyboy

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