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Everything posted by BenFrog

  1. Also, what kind of carburator does a 251 had say, in a dodge truck? I have a Ball & Ball 1 bbl cab on mine.
  2. I am a full time auto mechanic. I'll begin teaching auto mechanic next month in Quebec. I'll have more time to work on my projects since I won't be tired of getting my hands dirty at home
  3. Hahaha Nice to hear! I will PM Mr. Watson for more infos. Thanks
  4. Thanks, that's what I thought. Since the stroke is 4 1/2", that's why I guessed it was a 251. Was there 251 in Canada in 1955?
  5. Hi, I'm Ben, I'm 26 and I'm from Canada. One day I bought a 1937 Chrysler Royal and a 1936 Plymouth P-4. Now I guess you're wondering why I post on the truck forum. As the title says, I tried to identify the motor in my 1937 and I knew from the start that it was not original. First off, I searched the motor vin. If I saw correctly on the t136 site, it's from a 1955 Dodge car. Since the motor is Canadian, it's 25" long and I'm not sure if the vins are coded the same way. So, at that point, I was sure I had a 218 or a 228. It was time to check the stroke. After that, according to a lot of forum threads, I removed the pipe plug over cylinder #6 and measured the stroke. I was a bit surprised when I read 4 1/2" on the tape. So I dug a little bit deeper and found out that I may have a 251 but i'm really not sure. My question is: Is there another way to tell the motor size other than removing the head?
  6. Did you rebuild the master cylinder?
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