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    restoring older Mopars. Currently just go my hands on the 1949 Windsor Highlander. Newbie at these, so looking for experienced help. Thanks!
  • My Project Cars
    Finishing my 1964 Chrysler 300K Letter car, 413 ci ram-injection dual quad wedge. Factory air, power everything, loaded. Second owner. LOVE this car!

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    New Windsor owner, lifelong Mopar guy
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  1. nah, not the gutter! hopefully to a good Windsor home. it's big sister was here first, and needs her restoration completed! LOL 1964 Chrysler 300K Letter Car Cross Ram 413
  2. my visor has a purple tint to it. it's not painted metal. there are no other pieces to it. thanks! car will probably be going on ebay soon, or Boston Craigslist. would rather sell whole vs cutting it up, but if anyone has something specific that you need, please let me know. kenbiello@gmail.com thanks!
  3. thanks spyder, falconvan....... it might be for sale soon, so if you know anyone looking...... I read on some post a few days ago that someone was looking for a Spitfire motor and Fluid Drive tranny.......
  4. OLDGUY48, thanks! the cap is stuck, and won't budge. it was probably a neat idea back then, but I already am experiencing that pain! incidentally, I lived in Stroudsburg, PA, from 2003 to 2007 exit 299, Tannersville........
  5. white spyder, thanks! other than the whole interior basically missing, it seems all original too. 20k original miles too. what are the current values of these cars? if I attempt a full restoration, where's the cut-off? I won't spend more to restore than what the overall car will be worth, right? LOL ken
  6. could not tell you what it is. came with the car. i'll look around on it to see if there are any numbers/markings and get back to you.
  7. moose, i know i need to replace the interior. you have any plans today?
  8. moose, john..... I'm in Swansea, ma........near somerset......you guys?
  9. bobT thanks for the links! I understand the "Highlander" name for this now. lol not sure if i'll go with it again when I get to the interior. I have a lot of time to put a plan of attack in motion. also have a few questions regarding the shifting and proper method to engage the drivetrain, so if you can, please advise. thanks! ken
  10. I can see a wire at the top of the cap. a portion of it bare. it looks like this might have been a selling feature (cannot imagine gasoline theft being a huge problem in 1949) anyway, it looks like a pain in the a** at the moment. I cannot get it open, and have been running a wire to the coil with a canister under the hood to supply gas. I'm sure the entire car will need the electrical system renovated. nonetheless......it's a really cool looking car. I've owned 50's thru 2006 mopars.......this is my first 40's, and second 6 volt vehicle. any opinions on keeping 6v versus making the change to 12v? I've read a lot about keeping good connections with the correct gauge wiring, so I'm interested in what you all have to add. thanks!
  11. Don, Thanks! I am picking up a lot so far. Car runs great. Needs all belts, hoses, etc. Brakes are shot. So I'm in for some warm weather work soon! Any thoughts on the interior? Headliner, door panels, carpet, seats, etc.... where to source? thank you! anyone have opinions on this electric, locking gas cap? if you lost the keys, you're screwed, right? ken
  12. It's a 1949 Windsor Highlander. Needs complete interior. From what I can tell, it's got nearly all of the options you could get in 1949? Chrome Wind Wing Vents, Chrome Grille Guard, "Highlander" Scotch Plaid Upholstery (all missing) Radio, Heater, Weather-Proof Ignition, Underhood Light, Windshield Washer, Antennas, Fuel tank locking caps, License trim frame, Mirrors and Spare Tire Valve Extension Car has 20, 578 ORIGINAL miles. See the pics I just recently attached at the beginning of this thread.
  13. Thanks! Just picked it up this past weekend. Learning a lot in the last two days. I have a lot to do. Forum will not allow pics larger than 1MB, of course, all but what I have posted came from my cell phone camera, and are larger. LOL Do you have a Windsor?
  14. Hello all, Ken here, brand new member to your group. Not new to Mopar, but BRAND new to the Windsor universe. Could use some help in the areas of restoration, parts, "what-to-do, what-not-to-do", etc...... I'm basically an "original" kind of guy, so as close to stock as possible is my preferred method. Nothing against modernizing, I just like the cars the way they came. Anyway, if anyone can tell me more about them, I'd appreciate it. Please see attached photos. Car needs a complete interior. New paint, re-chrome most trim, etc. Runs, drives. thanks! ken
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