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Ken SMith

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Palm Bay Florida
  • Interests
  • My Project Cars
    49 dodge pickup
    80 TR 8

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  • Biography
    getting old
  • Occupation
    Nuclear Medicine Technologist
  1. my 49 dodge truck is leaking oil out of both the in and out fittings in the block that go to the oil filter. The fittings are directional and brass, the lines are copper. Anyone know if these lines are high pressure. Can they be replaced with something easier to work with...The directional fittings (45 degree) cant be tightened because the then dont line up properly with the lines...Any advice is welcome
  2. Small problem on my 49 dodge pickup...The brass fittings that go to and from the oil filter are leaking...They are directional and so if I try to tighten them they are pointed in the wrong direction. Are these lines under any pressure...Right now they are brass with copper lines...Is that necessary.. Can I replace them with something more flexible... Also,,, where is the best place to buy 6 volt bulbs for the taillights....Thanks in advance for your advice
  3. Hi Guys. Have had my 49 stored for 30 years, Just decided to put it on the road again...Rebuilt engine, New Brakes, wheels, cylinders, exhaust, wiring, gas tank , etc, Pretty much most of the important stuff is done. Trying to find out what the original rear light configuration was on the 49 b series pickup...trying to stay all original or as close a possible.. Most photos I have seen only show a single light onthe driver;s side over the license plate. I have turnsignel modification on stearing column. Any input or photos would be greatly appreciated Ken smith
  4. can anyone tell me what the best options are for replacing the 2 windshields on my 49 dodge pickup. Anyone have any experience replacing them... THey seem simple enough but Im sure that any custom made replacements will cost and arm and a leg Any help will be appreciated.
  5. Pulled gas tank and recoated. Sending unit looks bad Single Pole... Have been looking on line for a replacement. Almost all sites that have a unit state " for passenger cars only ". The units for the truck and car look identical .But the length of the rod may be different ?? Anyone have any info with regards to the sending units and availability. Any info as to where I can pick up a sending unit for my pt would be greatly appreciated. KS
  6. Im rewiring a 49 dodge truck. All wires under the hood are finished and correct (Checked with schematics) Trouble is, the wires going to the ignition and the gas gauge and ammeter were so bad that I cant tell which is which. Im particularly concerned with the ammeter. There are two sides for wires and Im not sure what goes where. Any help would be appreciated. Ken Smith PS Motor is out being rebuilt so I have plenty of room to work
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