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  • My Project Cars
    1950 Desoto

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    Chimney sweep
  1. How much of the orig water pump needs to be there? The internals look to be pretty shot. I will give them a call tomorrow. Thanks.
  2. I looked under dodge for that same year and found what seems to be the same engine. Can anyone tell me for sure if this is the correct water pump? http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/x,carcode,1487166,parttype,2208
  3. Today I messed with the DeSoto a little bit. I lubed up the cylinders and the engine will rotate pretty easily. I can hear air from the intake so it sounds like there is at least some compression. Does anyone have a parts shop cross reference for engine parts? I need a water pump for sure, and basic stuff for a full tune up.
  4. Alright, we got the DeSoto into its spot to be worked on. Its in the Mountains so it has to be near power so our rat buzzer can be plugged in. I took the whole front clip off so I have better access to the whole engine. Next weekend I will bring up oil and try to get it to turn. I was able to get it to move a little but I didn't want to go any further without oiling it. It moved about an inch then the belt started slipping and I stopped. I won't be starting it anytime soon. It needs new spark plug wires and the gas pedal is stuck. One its all nice and loose I will be following the directions from you knuckleharley. The engine looks to be in rough shape so we aren't too positive in it running. We have tossed around the idea of swapping in a 318 and keeping the rest stock. More of a restomod I guess. The front bumper piece I though was missing ended up being in the trunk! A little bent but its there. I tell you what though. Cleaning this thing out and sitting it it yesterday was a GREAT feeling. Thanks again for all the info.
  5. That's exactly what I was looking for. Is there a specific tourqe that I should be able to spin it at? I am really hoping to be able to keep this motor.
  6. I'm east of San Diego. It has a battery in it, but its probably dead. I might try to throw a charge in it since it looks to be a newer battery. It definitely needs spark plug wires and some electrical wires are frayed. Of course Oreily' doesn't even have anything on record so I am back to square one. Is there any other more popular models that share parts? Any good sites for parts? Andy's seems pretty awesome. This weekend, hopefully, I will remove the plugs, oil the cylinders and try to turn it by hand.
  7. Well, today I picked it up. Found out a bit more about the Desoto. The emblem on the hood is broken but as I was going through the car there was one in the glove box in great condition. I mentioned to the people I got it from I found a shop manual on ebay and a few minutes later he came back and handed me the original. It all got loaded fairly smoothly. We didn't have enough time to mess with trying to start it yet. There is still decent looking oil when I checked the dipstick, have any tips on what we should do before we try to crank it over?
  8. Thanks, thats great info. I will definitely be getting a manual. This site has been a great source of info so far. I know cars, I have worked on my Jeep many times, but this is a whole different beast. Thanks again.
  9. Someone correct be but do I have what is considered an S14? I found a shop manual on ebay I might snag. Thanks for the info so far. Its very appreciated. I know very little about these and I am looking to change that.
  10. who? I've been searching but are there any good manuals or guides for these cars with wiring diagrams. really any info I can get for the flat head 6 would be great.
  11. Hey, I was shown this forum by someone on another forum. I am picking up a 1950 Desoto hopefully this coming weekend. I went to a customers house and he restores "Brass Era" cars, he inherited this from someone on his wifes side. It was running when the orig owner died, it sat for a couple years in a barn, then it got towed to another barn where its been sitting. Before showing/telling me about it I had mentioned that my wife and I plan to get a 50's car one day to restore together. Then he brought up his Desoto. He said that if I wanted it I could have it for $500. So I plan to pick it up asap. I know very little about these but its in pretty dang good shape. Here are some pictures. What do you think?
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