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    50 B2B

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    therapist farmer
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  1. Thanks again!!! Sounds like a friendly, helpful group. I'll try to follow all the good advice. PS, My mechanic sent the tie rod to see if it could be straightened in some kind of machine shop press, and Presto! The guy fixing it said it looked like it had been towed with a chain and that caused the bend. Thanks for the help once again!
  2. Thanks all, some really great ideas to follow through with!
  3. Hi, New member who has almost nothing to offer in the way of mechanical knowledge. We live on what's left of family farm in suburban Tulsa. I am going to use it for a farm truck just for knocking about & maybe a little advertising of the orchard/vineyard. In "real life" I'm a marital and family therapist. I recently got a 1950 B2b pilothouse because I thought it would be cheaper and more moral than having an affair. Maybe more moral, but cheaper??? The truck I bought was partially re-done in the early 2000's. There are several photos on the Dodge Pilothouse Photo page, the bright orange 1950 half ton. I removed the modified "ram" front end and put the chrome trim back. The steering is terrible, scary really. I almost wet my pants driving it home. Have replaced new bushings on leaf springs new shocks all around. I'm wondering about parts availiability for steering/front end. I need a tie rod, mine is bent. Mechanic is afraid to send it off to try to straighten, might break. Haven't looked at steering box yet. The wheels and tires are much wider than stock. Could this be causing part of the steering problems? Should I put the original size wheels & tires? Thanks Pat Baker
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