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  1. TrOjAnUK's post in Anyone help a poor Limey get some rear shackles?? was marked as the answer   
    OK, so where am I now? 
    Napa came through for some of the parts but the most important 2 items, the rear spring shackles, they can no longer get from their suppliers so Im back to square one again.
    Apparently my hotel, The Orleans in Vegas WILL accept parcels for me (at a cost) so Im putting it out there again, can anyone get me 2 and mail them to my hotel for April 14th?
    I have tried dealing with the suppliers direct but it gets so confusing.. not for me for them!.
    I would have thought someone on these forums would be going to the weekender "Vegas weekender" seeing as its a HUGE car show.
    Fingers crossed, TrOjAn
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