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Everything posted by TrOjAnUK

  1. Ahhhh sorry, totally different to what I have.. post some photos once you do it TrOjAn
  2. OK, question for you, how fast do you drive? I have a 1950 Dodge pickup with 15" wheels, I run a chevy lump in it so its pretty fast anyway, I have the white wall rings, fitted new they look well good, but for some reason (speed?) they stretch outwards which makes them ripple around the outter edge making them look awful. I have fitted a total of 7 of them now on the truck and the rears seem to stretch more than the front... Im going to try tyre paint next... failing that, its chrome trims on the wheels Good luck, TrOjAn
  3. Thanks for the replies.. I`ve made a note on " its a Hi Side " ggdad that looks well nice... I do envy you guys over there, I visited Las Vegas and San Francisco this year and got a load of parts for the truck, good old Napa got them all in for me and they was waiting when I landed. Hoping to get back over soon and this time Ill be getting LOADS of parts as spares. TrOjAn
  4. I have a feeling it is a short side, its only recently I noticed the slightly different E on some tail gates... I have now got a stencil made up so Ill post some photos once its painted on.. meanwhile, this is what I have come up with.... remember this is NOT an original restoration its a hot rod so dont burn me for what it now looks like
  5. Well I dont want you thinking Im taking the mickey but Id love the WHOLE lot if possible.. I can trim out what I dont need or use the extras TrOjAn
  6. Thats just what the doctor ordered.. might be able to use that but the cad file would be awesome TrOjAn
  7. I did play with that but couldnt get what I wanted.. See below Dont suppose you have that cad file to share? I have a feeling you could well be right... I tend to forget its over 60 years ago LOL NOTE** I have got a design now that I am happy with.. pretty near to the original so it will do. Thanks for the replies, its appreciated. TrOjAn
  8. Hi guys, Can anyone help me find the name of the tailgate font used on the B2B series pickups?? I have a plain one and want to get a stencil made so I can spray the DODGE logo on but really would like the correct font. Anyone can help?? cheers, TrOjAn UK
  9. As a dad Im proud as ****, big grin whenever she plays, Now, Im going to cross my fingers and hope someone here can help me out....... there was a 1950 Red Dodge B2B pickup there.. I would LOVE to get in touch with the owner. So, if anyone knows who it belongs to PLEASE give them a shout or hook me up with them please.. Cheers, TrOjAn
  10. Wow.. The Management eh? Hope my young girl did you proud, she plays with The Doggone Honkabillies, she has been going on about the weekender and is trying to get us to go next year. Theres a few of us, but I dont do tents so it will be a Hotel nearby for me and the Mrs as for the drag strip, I wont be taking my truck down there.. just aint fast enough LOL. Nice video though.. chat soon, TrOjAn
  11. What did you think of ATOMIC? worth going?? Im tempted to go next year, my kid was playing there this year with Eddie Glendening. TrOjAn PS, I cant see your Facebook footage either
  12. UPDATE!!! Just managed to order these from Amazon with direct to UK delivery.. Happy Days TrOjAn
  13. OK, so where am I now? Napa came through for some of the parts but the most important 2 items, the rear spring shackles, they can no longer get from their suppliers so Im back to square one again. Apparently my hotel, The Orleans in Vegas WILL accept parcels for me (at a cost) so Im putting it out there again, can anyone get me 2 and mail them to my hotel for April 14th? I have tried dealing with the suppliers direct but it gets so confusing.. not for me for them!. I would have thought someone on these forums would be going to the weekender "Vegas weekender" seeing as its a HUGE car show. Fingers crossed, TrOjAn
  14. In my ignorance of the USA I thought you all referred to us over here as Limeys do you not? TrOjAn
  15. I get it brother.... duelling banjos..one of my fav films ( movies to you ) Dont spoil the image TrOjAn
  16. LOL you bloody Americans are quite cool, and lucky... as for your name, Hank, man thats up there with the classics.. I bow down to you If I was an American Id be a Redneck for sure, playing a banjo sitting on my porch.. hahahahaa.. TrOjAn
  17. Just heard back from them and they say they will fit... QUOTE " The rear shackle are the same (34-58) You also use the same rear shackle on the front for (48-58) " Happy days.. Now I have just found out the brand new all chrome brake booster is faulty not having a lot of luck getting stuff from the States. TrOjAn
  18. Looks like I just made a HUGE mistake.. I placed an order for the shackles from http://dodgecentralmi.biz/ but then realised they are only up to 1947.. will these fit my B2B 1950?? TrOjAn
  19. The biggest problem Im having now is contacting NAPA in Vegas direct via email... they want me to phone the store TrOjAn
  20. Hi Jerry, thats kind of you... at this time I am not sure of the place we are staying at in SF, my mates done the booking, the hotel in Vegas is called " The New Orleans " on "the strip" apparently.. my first time in America Im still shopping about for the best deal on these shackles.. spoken to NAPA and O`Reillys so far... I will get back to you nearer the time, thanks again, TrOjAn
  21. Good call Ken, they seem much cheaper.. even shipping back here.. thanks for the pointer TrOjAn
  22. $160 is OK.. lets hope someone can help out... Apparently O`Reillys in Vegas might be able to get them but I have to go in their shop first and they may take up to 10 days.. so will give them a go if nothing else turns up... TrOjAn
  23. OK.. they work out about $160 Not sure if I will be able to make the trip as we give the car back when we arrive, various tickets purchased for all sorts of things so an 80 mile drive is not really doable.. thanks though. The ones on the B2B are C type shackles.. I wish they was like yours would be easier. TrOjAn
  24. As topic really.. I need a pair of rear spring rear shackles, Ive tried a few of the normal places but they are coming out mega expensive. I can get some Jeep shackles but they are 60mm nipple to nipple and I have a feeling they would allow the spring to run on the chassis. If anyone can help me out Id be very grateful, no need to ship to the UK as I am in Vegas from the 14th April for a week so could be sent to my hotel ( New Orleans ). After that Im in San Fran for a few days.. not sure where Im staying there though Hopefully you guys can help me, Cheers in advance, TrOjAn
  25. Ill be doing some photos as I go along, Im off to Vegas and SF in April ( grabbing some bits while there ) and on my return I have a new rebuilt engine to put in.. while the hoods off Ill have a proper look at it and see what can be done. TrOjAn
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