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  1. bosworth's post in 3-speed Gearbox leak at input end was marked as the answer   
    I found my transmission leaking from the front following my rebuild. I found that I hadn't set the plug that seals the end of the cluster gear shaft well enough. That plug is below the bell housing and is not sealed by the gasket. With the transmission still in the car, I drained the fluid, cleaned the plug and recess thoroughly, and applied sealer. No more leak!
    Best of luck
  2. bosworth's post in rear end problems was marked as the answer   
    Thanks everyone,  I'm going to take Plymouthy Adams up on his offer and keep the car as original, and will be able to get the "Old Gray Girl"  back on the road next week.  I will keep a eye out for a 3.54 would make a nice upgrade in the future.  I'll keep the swap out axles in mind for my next B3B project.
    Thanks....you guys are the greatest!
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