Hello I have a question or actually a favor to ask if possible. I have 1950 Plymouth B.C. I bought a few years back and like many here in the east the rocker panel and floors are shot. I have enough of the floor and floor braces to make new patterns but the outer rockers are so far gone I really only have a general idea as to how they are supposed to be shaped. I have the equipment to fabricate them I just don't have any templates to go by. So here is my question or favor if you will, would anyone here happen to have pictures of their P19 rockers top and bottom when they were working or restoring their car .It could be a 2 dr. 4dr. or b.c. I don't care ,any of those would help. Now don't go outside and lay on the ground and take pictures, I would never ask someone to do that, I just thought if someone already had some pics. Thanks, Ronnie