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About martin53

  • Birthday 10/13/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • My Project Cars
    1953 dodge truck
    1953 dodge Coronet


  • Location
    portales, nm
  • Interests
    cars and Rockabilly music

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  • Occupation
    work at peanut plant

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  1. Sounds really rough now. Won't even stay on. About to trhw a small block in. Haha
  2. Higher gears. Mainly highway speed. Took it for another ride and now I lost oil pressure.
  3. Sorry. It's a 1950 dodge coronet. Flathead 6. Not sure on the size.
  4. So my car drives fine until I hit speeds of about 60 or so then boggs down. I'm thinking it's the fuel pump not pumping enough gas while driving. I have a clear filter and it does even fill the filter while driving. So what are my options. Is there a late model pump that will work? Should I rebuild it or run a electric pump. What pressure should the pump be. Thinking of going to a show this weekend so I'm trying to work fast.
  5. Looking to see what options there are for a thermostat on a 1950 dodge flathead 6. Are there any other models that will interchange or will I need the exact part. My car keeps overheating. So far I've just replaced the radiator and figure I'd do the thermostat next. Mine was blown.
  6. martin53


    Thanks that helps alot.
  7. martin53


    Eventually new wiring just trying to wire up lights and a couple of other things
  8. martin53


    Thanks. That's what I need
  9. martin53


    No I don't
  10. martin53


    Hi everyone. Try to get my wiring together but can find the right wiring diagram. Google has 3 that are all different. Just wondering if anyone happens to have one for a 1950 dodge coronet.
  11. So I got my steering back to normal. Ended up being a frozen kingpin. This morning I pulled the greaser off and cleaned the gunk out. After that I sprayed the top with wd40 let it sit a couple of hours and then it's just surprisingly freed up. Took it for a drive and it worked perfectly. Thanks for all of the tips and advice. Hopefully I'll be cruising this summer.
  12. Thanks harmony. I took your advice a pulled the driver's side tie rod off. My driver's side tire is very hard to move back and forth. The steering itself is fine. Now I'm going to grease it the best I can and see if it will free up. Any other advice on how to free it. I really do want to swap out the kingpin.
  13. Thanks harmony. I took your advice a pulled the driver's side tie rod off. My driver's side tire is very hard to move back and forth. The steering itself is fine. Now I'm going to grease it the best I can and see if it will free up. Any other advice on how to free it. I really do want to swap out the kingpin.
  14. Nope no manual for it.
  15. Thanks for the reply. I'll take a look at that. Just don't have anyone to steer while I look.
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