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About tonkaman

  • Birthday 01/31/1991

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  • My Project Cars
    To many to list

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  • Biography
    old truck nut
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  • Location
    Cut Bank MT
  • Interests
    fixin old junk
  1. ok guys i need some help, i finally got a carb kit from napa, only problem is ive had the carb apart for to long. i have these two jets and im not sure which one is which one is a 56 and one a 58 the book calls them the economiser bypass jet and the pump bypass jet. they both have a springloaded needle in them i think the 58 has the needle protruding out eh top a bit and the 56 has the needle flush with the top of the jet. i know where the jets go i just need to know which one is which
  2. Did your napa kit come with a new leather piston?
  3. hey all I have a 1949 1 ton that is need of a carb kit so I can wake her from her 40 year slumber. im having trouble choosing a kit from mikes carburetors, is there any way to ID the carb for sure or is there another site to get kits from?
  4. Any chance you know what model carb this is or where to find a model number on it?
  5. ok I have been trying to wake this old girl up, I have gotten the engine unstuck and removed the carb, and realized someone needed the coil more than I did, so im still looking for one, I know I have one just cant find it. anyway why does it have a Stromberg carb on it? I thought all the dodges of this era had the carter ball and ball.
  6. I was considering taking off the home made bumpers and sticking on an original front but im still up in the air on it, the rear bumper has the fenders torn so it might get removed as it really doesn't look all that nice. I think the front cap can be saved the fender too if you had enough patience but I know where there are a few parts trucks sleeping in the grass, hahaha I just hate to lose tat hard earned patina that the truck has earned over the years.
  7. sweet deal, yea I am working on getting some used rubber under it now so I can roll it around the yard, motor is stuck but I don't know how bad might just pull the head and see what she looks like in there. unfortunately when I was dismounting one o the rear tires I messed up the channel the split ring sits in so now I have to try and open it back up. learned a valuable lesson that day, use a friggin saws all when the tires are stuck that bad. it has been nailed by plow or something tho so I guess ill have to stick one o my spare fenders on her. whats the value on a truck like this in running condition vs non running
  8. well the title pretty much sums it up, I have a 49 one ton and was curious how rare a one ton is. heres a picture of how it sat when I found it.
  9. ok sweet deal ill have to look into the sending unit and my radiator cap as i think its the original and i have no idea on the PSI its good for. oh and ive decided because of the color and the look it has going his name is Mater. "Ya Know like ta-mater, only without the ta" hahaha:D
  10. umm, ok so im guessing the diferent letters represent different GVW ratings. we jerked the radiator tonihgt and carefully removed the fins around the bullet hole then pinched the one tube shut and soldered the ends closed. dosnt leak on the bench but well see when i get it back in mater. anyway thanks for the links i cant wait for this summer when i get to start fixing up the necessitys so i can begin to use him. i did take him for a spin around the yard real quick and even caught second gear!! hahaha i had to drop the tank this afternoon cause the pickup tube was pluged solid so after fight ing with that for a few hours hes now pumping his own fuel. i still cant belive how well it starts up and runns so well for being a junkyard truck. so where do i get a new fuel sending unit? would napa be able to help me there?
  11. well radiator is out and ready for my redneck repair skills, had to drop the fuel tank today as the pickup tube was plugged soild, after a little searching of the site i found a thread explaining how to use a cable to rotor root the tube out. so now its nice and clean and pumping its own gas instead of running off my gaterade bottle IV. but the sending unit it froze up solid, can i get one of those down at the parts house?
  12. well, SHE RUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i finally got her to wake up from her 30 or 40 year slumber. had to rebuild the carb, dizzy and clean up the starter and fuel system, but she purrs like a big fat kitty with no muffler. but, now i need a radiator, when i started pouring in the coolant it started running out on my boots. upon further inspection i found one more bullet hole to go along with the ones in the windshield. it goes right throught the grille next to the dodge emblem into the radiator and into the fan shroud. so needless to say i can let her run for very long but she does runs. i want to thank everyone who posted in this thread helping me learn about this great peice of dodge history, pat yourselves on the back because you too help save one more from the scrap heap. :D so on to my next set of questions. what radiators are compatible with the ton and half trucks, and where is the best place to get the rubber for the windshield and back glass?
  13. im looking for a good radiator that would fit in a ton and half as mine has a bullet hole in it...... not sure if yours would fit mine, anyone know?
  14. so the carb is rebuilt, govenor cleaned up, air cleaner washed out, and dizzy rebuilt. alls i got to do now is get a 6volt battery and flush out the fuel system. thinkin i might pull the starter tommorrow and clean it up inside aswell. im so excited to see if shes gonna run. :D
  15. why thank you for naming her:D, and giving me all the great info. where do you go to look up all that stuff?
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