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About mike1130

  • Birthday 11/30/1944

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  • Biography
    Happy guy. Between my dog and a garage full of old cars I have time to do almost nothing useful.
  • Occupation
    See interests/hobbies above-no time for real work.


  • Location
  • Interests
    '31Ford, '46Willys, '48Dodge truck, '66NovaSS, '05Yellow Lab
  1. Greg, Merle-You are correct. My wipers are vacuum, not electric. The arm base has to fit onto/over the (approx.) .525 base nub below the windshield. Mine would be like the one on the left in Merle's picture. Greg-are your wipers for vacuum or electric? Should I be thinking about converting these wipers to electric? If so, how much of a job is that?
  2. Reg-I'm interested. How do I PM? e-mail me at mike1130@frontiernet.net
  3. 90% done resto on (daily driver) '48 B-1-B pick-up. I have no windshield wiper arms or blades and neither does NAPA. They don't need to be original. They need to fit onto a .525 rotating bse and be 18" max length. Any suggestions? Rain-X doesn't work on snow. I drive this truck every day in MN. All I have left to do is weatherstripping, new firewall and interior linings-it's a little noisy but a very sweet ride.
  4. Found 2-both in Mpls. D&D in NE Mpls-this is the place that used to be in Roseville. APT Instruments in Bloomington-they seem to be knowledgable and very helpful and they are a little cheaper with a faster turnaround. I think I'll use APT. Where are you? I'm in Scandia.
  5. Hmmm...you are correct. I live in the Minneapolis/St.Paul and I found 3 speedo shops in the phone book. As I'm sure you've seen, most repair shops cringe as soon as they hear "1948" but maybe one of these won't. Good call. I'll try the drill-fix but when I put this new cable in and went for a ride it worked for just a minute and then ran up to max mph and flopped back to zero. I'll try to bring it back to life. Thanks for your help.
  6. '48 B-1-B. Speedo didn't work so I put a drill on the tranny end and it worked fine at the dash. Replaced the cable and it worked fine for about 1 mile. The tranny end of the cable is fine. I suspect the speedometer itself is wrecked (it hadn't worked for a lot of years so was probably pretty stiff inside). Can this speedo be repaired? Where can I get a replacement speedometer?
  7. I got it in. Roll/squeezed it down to reduce OD, oiled it up good and it went in. It ain't pretty but the NAPA 1011 works.
  8. I've been reading about all the nightmares with the NAPA 1011 oil filter for '48 B1B-now I have my very own. The last NAPA filter I bought for this app. fit perfectly but some engineer must have "fixed" it. It sounds like there are 3 options-1) roll/squeeze the new 1011 to reduce the OD, oil it up and force it in; 2) keep reusing the old filter and change the oil more often and 3) run with no filter at all. Someone even suggested stuffing the canister full of sanitary napkins-interesting thought but my old girl is way too old for sanitary napkins. I'm thinking option 1 is worth a try and if that doesn't work just go with option 2. Somehow, running without a filter just doesn't seem right although my '31 Model A and '46 Willys Jeep neither one have a filter. Any more thoughts on this before I start hammering the new 1011 in there?
  9. I need to find a new wiring harness (pre-made and ready to install, if possible ) for a '48 1/2 ton Dodge Pilot-house. Any suggestions for a source?
  10. There are several sources for brake parts in responses to this thread. I tried Kanter Auto Parts and it seems to me those guys really know their stuff and seem to be able to get almost anything you need. Good luck.
  11. Wow! Glad to hear it's so complicated. I was afraid it was simple and obvious and I was just too stupid to see it. Anyway, thanks very much. Any project that starts with a big hammer is ok by me.
  12. It says here that I'm a junior member. The last time I was a "junior" anything was when my truck was new. Anyway-I've a '48 BIB. I need to redo the brake system and can't figure out how to get the rear drums off. Is there some trick to this?
  13. Thx-big help. I contacted Kanter and they're very knowledgable and helpful. They seem to have everything except possibly the spring clips-NAPA couldn't get these either.
  14. I want to re-do entire brake system on a '48 B-1-B and need a source for parts-master cyl, wheel cyls, spring kits, etc. NAPA doesn't have and can't get all this stuff. I'm also going to need a new wiring harness-ideas for that? Come Spring-this will be my daily driver as soon as the brakes are done.
  15. Thanks. Keep me in mind. If you get the '48 and want to part it out I need that flywheel housing pan and the bolts to go with it, if possible. Where are you located?
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