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  • My Project Cars
    1949 Dodge Wayfarer


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  1. Hello Tired Iron, Yes that would help me if I knew the spring and the size of the ball. Can I order them on ebay ? Do you have a link?
  2. Thank you Keith, That's a nice offer, I hope I won't need it
  3. Hopefully not, that would be a disaster. Where am I supposed to get a replacement gearbox here in Germany? And I probably won't be able to get parts
  4. Many thanks for your help, Tom, That's exactly how I adjusted it
  5. The car was completely restored and not moved much afterwards. All rubber parts are new. My experience is that new parts are not of the same quality as the originals. I have often experienced that engine or gearbox mounts were broken again very quickly. So I will soon take the car on the car lift and check the mounts
  6. Thank you Adam, I had the same thought. That would also explain why the error suddenly occurred. Maybe the rubber is torn.
  7. Many thanks Tom, but I already did that yesterday. Unfortunately, it didn't bring any improvement.
  8. I am still looking for the reason why the 3rd gear jumps out. Is there anything I need to be aware of when I unscrew the gearshift balls and springs to check them? Will oil leak out or is the spring so strong that it will jump towards me? Thanks Olaf
  9. Wow, cool thank u
  10. Is there somewhere the dimensions needed to make an overcenter spring gauge? Or is there a guide on how to adjust the spring without the gauge? I want to adjust my clutch because I only have 1/4" pedal play. But without the exactly adjusted spring I can't adjust it. I don't know where it is misadjusted. There are two adjustable push rods and the clutch pedal stop screw
  11. I have now adjusted it, I think it's a little better, but it still jumps out of 3rd gear from time to time. I think next I will check the selector ball springs. If they are ok too, I think I have a bigger problem. Could the transmission gears be so worn that the gear jumps out? I can't imagine that the engine and transmission are not properly centered, as the problem never occurred until yesterday
  12. Thank u for the link, i will try to adjust today
  13. My gearshift is also quite heavy. When I see videos of how easily riders can shift gears, I think something is wrong anyway
  14. I only have the shop manual for the dodge. I don't know the imperial pages
  15. Thank you for your assessment, i hope itis such a simple mistake. I am also surprised that it started once. That would of course explain it if the levers have become misaligned.
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