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Just Surviving

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  • Gender
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    Sydney Australia
  • Interests
    Gemstones and old cars
  • My Project Cars
    1932 PB Plymouth and 1929 Reo flying cloud

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  • Biography
    Retired after 50 years in the vehicle restoration business
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    old cars

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  1. I belonged to the club many years ago but I was quite young back then, and I am not a fan of hot rodding myself but can confirm there should be a 1932 Plymouth sedan driving around with a bigger motor in it and fat wheels as I sold it around fifteen years ago and the chap that bought it was going to rod it as he wasn't interested in my fully rebuilt motor that was going with the car and it went to somewhere in Queensland
  2. Thanks andyd, The issue has been resolved as I actually found my missing Mcquay Norris catalogue and have identified all my king pins sets that I have.
  3. Trying desperately to identify some Mcquay Norris king pins I have here in Australia, KA3 and Ka53
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