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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nemo, Texas
  • Interests
    Wrenching on old cars
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Dodge Coronet D-34

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  • Biography
    Fairly new owner of a 1950 Dodge Coronet D-34.
  • Occupation
    Work for the city


  • Location
    Nemo, Tx
  • Interests
    Wrenching on old cars. Looking at old cars and antique stuff

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  1. Awesome thank you! I bought the one 9Foot Box sent the link for on Ebay. Just need to hook it all up now
  2. I really appreciate it, the Ebay description said this was for the Gyromatic. Which now after getting it I'm realizing it's probably not. Again I appreciate all the help so far
  3. Pics of the one from Ebay
  4. Thank you all. I bought a Stromberg BXVES-3 carb on Ebay, ( I hope. The carb doesnt say BXVES any where on it) to get the correct carb for the car. I still dont have the capability to connect wires. I have the manual but it goes over very little on this part of the carb. Is there anyway some one can send me a pic of the electric dash pot "anti-stall" and the kick down switch so I know what I'm looking for. I understand where to hook the wires, I just dont think I have the actually parts to hook them to.I'm sorry I'm a broken record on this I really am chasing my tail on this right now. I tried posting a pic of the carb but my files are to big
  5. Wired not weird
  6. It's a solinoed I'm assuming. Does anyone know what the name of it is that I can search for. It connects to the carb and is wierd from the silver box overhanging the motor
  7. I dont have the carb controls. I'm looking for the electrical that goes to the carb
  8. Are there other carbs that can be used, that have the anti-stall?
  9. Mine has a Carter DTE1 on it. I can find the rebuild kits it's the solenoid I'm having trouble finding or figuring out one for a Carter DTE1. I havnt had luck at all finding a Stromberg BXVES.
  10. Good afternoon. My name is Chad. From Texas. I'm fixing up a 1950 Coronet with the gyro-matic transmission, I don't have the original carburetor and I'm having alot of trouble finding a stromberg or one that has the electric parts to it. Is there other alternatives for a carburetor and for the anti-stall and kick down. Thanks for your time in advance
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