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  • Gender
  • Location
    Utah USA
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Chrysler Royal 4d sedan

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  • Biography
    I love old mopars, my first(and only) car is a 1950 Chrysler Royal 4d sedan.
  • Occupation
    Garage door technician


  • Location
    USA Utah
  • Interests
    Car restoration, Power lifting, bodybuilding

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  1. Hey everyone, im having some issues with the starter solenoid on my 1950 chrysler royal. I had all the wiring hooked up and in the right place and relay coil worked just fine but the pull-in coil isn’t doing its job at engaging everything else. I’ve looked around at other forums and they said you could rewind the pull in coil, so thats what im trying to do but i cant pull the coil out because its crimped into the housing. So does anyone have any experience rebuilding the autolite solenoids with all 4 studs in the front that cant give me some tips? Or does anyone have a autolite solenoid that they would sell for a good price
  2. Hi everyone! My starter has gone bad and I need to find one that works and won’t cost an arm and a leg. If anyone knows a website or a person that i could get one from that would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hey everyone, I’m rewiring my 1950 Chrysler Royal and I am a bit confused about where to put what wire on the horn relay. I’m trying to hook up the ignition switch but I dont know which terminal to put the wire. Any help would be appreciated. Heres a pic of the relay as well.
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