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    Vintage cars, Chopper, Machining
  • My Project Cars
    -48 Dodge Coupe
    -51 Mercury

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  • Biography
    I've got a -48 Dodge Coupe. Located in Sweden
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  • Interests
    Working on cars, machining

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  1. Thank you, I appreciate it.
  2. Thank you. Am I understanding correctly that the inclination is between 4.75 and 6 degrees? Seems like more to me ?
  3. Hi! Does anyone know what the kingpin inclination is on a 1948 Dodge custom coupe? Why I am asking is because I'm building a tube axle and need to know at what inclination I need to weld the kingpin bosses. PS. I do have a complete frontend which I will measure from but it would be nice to bxe in the ballpark. Best regards, Robin
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