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    Wilmington, Ca
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  • My Project Cars
    1953 Plymouth Cambridge

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    family, beer
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  • Location
    Wilmington, Ca
  • Interests
    Making beer

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  1. Thanks ! I'll take a look at these. Everything seems solid but doesn't mean it's not installed wrong. Thanks !
  2. Got it, wont hurt to take a look . Thank you for your reply.
  3. Got it ! Thanks Torpedo, Appreciate the response. Pretty interesting stuff . It kinda makes it easier to cruise and rest my arm in the open window
  4. Hi there, I'm new here, and recently bought a 1953 Plymouth Cambridge. Pretty excited to learn about this car and how to do certain things to it. I have limited knowledge on cars but I'm a fast learner. This is my first classic car and excited to learn. I'm just curious to see if anyone else has this issue. Haven't been able to find any info on it. The steering column seems to be slanted towards the drives side a bit. Doesn't have any issue while driving. i have a suspicion that it could be just lack of quality control back then? Thank you in advance. please see attached pics.
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