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  • My Project Cars
    1950 Chrysler Windsor


  • Location
    Md, Eastern Shore
  • Interests
    Cars, metal fabrication

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  1. Need both the inner and outer parts. With a key would be great.....
  2. I tried the spacer trick....still won't clear. There was a guy, on here, that did the almost same swap on his '50 Chrysler, except he used a manual transmission. He used the hemi starter, for manual starter, and it bolted up to his. I would think that there would be a variation of the hemi starters that would work with the automatic...
  3. Did it cause any problems in the steering column?
  4. No, the 83 starter didn't work...
  5. I have a 1950 Chrysler Windsor. I am putting a 318/727 out of an 83 truck in it. All of the starters, I've tried, won't work. I've tried the 5.7 hemi starter for manual, and auto trans, but they won't bolt up. I tried the smaller unit from a v6 Dakota, and it won't work either. It hits the steering arm. Are there any of the late hemi size starters that will bolt up? Don't really want to have to cut the motor mounts out if it isn't absolutely necessary.
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