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    Slaterville Utah
  • My Project Cars
    1948 Dodge 3 window Deluxe

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  • Biography
    Old skool hotrodder with a modern slant.
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  • Location
    N. Utah
  • Interests
    Duh....lol. and mororcycles

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  1. Hey, been over a decade since I've posted, but!! I'm FINALLY getting to build my '48 Dodge 3 window, and want to go without a front clip (American Graffiti style) for the tunnel rammed twin turbocharged 426 wedge. So, I'm not finding any 3 window coupe doors, do the 3 window and 5 window doors swap? As I want to put flat plymouth doors on, to get rid of the Dodge fender/door bulges (that would make a HECK of an air dam....)
  2. Well.......... Egg on my face...... Didn't even think to look at the mounts. I was focused on the oil filter configuration......... How do they work under high loads? I ask as my 426 made 439 hp/498tq with a small cam and single carb and it should turn over 500/500 with the cam and induction change to compliment the ported 906 big valve heads AND being backed up with a manual trans..... I figure I'll be a bit tough on mounts. I built the engine to turn 6k-ish at the shift. As in my signature.... I DO rev'em !!!!
  3. Thanks for the info and pics....... I considered lowering the engine but I was going to remove the fire wall and set the engine back, fab a new fire wall.... not sure if it will be worth the effort with oil pan to road clearance issues as the roads and SEVERE speed bump and intersection dips in Utah. I'll figure that out when I start mocking up and cobbling things together. I haven't even tried to lower the engine into the frame yet, to see where things line up.... Just about done gathering the major components at this point.... MUCH more to come. BTW, I joined the Hamb recently and I'll gleen what I can there too. Thanks again!!!
  4. A true hot rod, TO ME, should be manually shifted, as should a sports car. I thought about a TKO, but there is something about an old iron case 4 speed and a vintage hotrod just go together. I have about as much in the A833 set up, to cover a TKO.... Just couldn't do it. I WANT the V.gate, it looks "off the hook" and correct. The shifter I have is .. well choice of... a Hurst Ripper OR... a N.I.B.!!!! Hurst V. Gate.....from the early 70's. I'll start with the Ripper and then swap to the V.Gate after I get the "gate spring" softened up for street duty(done this before) and figure out the shift rod conversion for the O/D. I went with the A833 O/D because EVERY THING in Utah is so far apart.... a bit of mpg would be nice since I do not build trailer queens for myself..... drive it to the track, shows.........WORK.... So.... why not mid to high "teens" for mpg. Well........... off to collect MORE parts for the job....
  5. Thanks for the replies...... I'll look these Gents up!! I'm going the "American Graffiti" route with an exposed engine and stand alone radiator. I'm making some fiberglass cowls to cover the opening from the flared door bulge, (from not having stock front sheet metal or fenders) and "bicycle" fenders ,Zoomie type exhaust, sway bars, ~ 3" lowered and F.I. tunnel ram . ... well that's what I'd like to do.... We'll see if Utah minds...........
  6. Nope... Was a primer black 5 window in Iowa. Your name is Ed.....? You or another Ed?
  7. I'm putting in a '64 413 bored to 426 with the standard go fast junk and an Iron case o/d A833, that I have built up to hold the power. I've seen 1 before with a 440 and auto. I couldn't get a look at the mounting as the owner was not around and I'm not going to open some ones hood or crawl under it ( I was on an out of state trip, so I can't readily contact them). So...ANYONE seen who's done this? Engine plates are not exactly street friendly, so not an option. Other stuff/mods are 4 wheel disc, Ford 8.8 from an 2000 V8 Explorer and most likely will be converting to a power rack for steering.
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