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About tonygray

  • Birthday 01/12/1960

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  • Biography
    USAF for the last 28 years. Love old cars.
  • Occupation
    USAF Chief Master sergeant


  • Location
    Minot AFB, North Dakota
  • Interests
    Old cars, playing guitar, trying my hand as=t different stuff.
  1. I was able to find some defrost vents for my wifes P-15, but I'm not sure which one goes on which side. One has the bottom tube pointing straight down and the other is at an angle to the side. Which goes on which side, and since the tubes are both also angled inward (or outward), do they point toward the firewall or away from it? Thanks Tony
  2. Brian, if you have a multimeter, put it on your battery and see if the voltage reading goes up when you start the car. The generater should put out a slightly higher voltage. From your posts, it sounds like either the generator is bad or maybe something isn't wired quite right. You can also put the multimeter in amp mode and put it in series with the battery as an alternate amp meter.
  3. My wife's car (48 P-15) had almost no interior other than seat frames when we bought it, and I'm trying to get it put together. Under the rear window where the top of the package tray goes there is a series of tabs (or teeth). Is there supposed to be tack strip under it, or ??? How does the headliner mount in that area?
  4. The indentations were pure guesswork from looking at some pictures. I made them 1" seperated by 1/4" indentatations. It might not be right, but unless you're an expert with a micrometer calibrated eye, you probably can't tell the difference.
  5. Thanks. I'm not particularly talented, but I'm not afraid to try ... and try again when it doesn't work out well the first time.
  6. Are you kidding? My wife might see it!!!
  7. I bought the plastic online at Professional Plastics, and the 1/8" foam was bought on Ebay (DGECO FOAM AND FABRIC). Five yards was just enough with a little left over. I glued the foam to the backer with 3M Super 77 spray adhesive, then used Aleene's Original tacky Glue (bought at Hobby lobby) to glue the fabric to the foam ... it allowed me some latitude in positioning the material. To get a good bond with it you need to rough up the surface of the foam. I did it using light strokes from a brass wire brush. Finally, to glue the overlapping edges to the back, I used the Super 77 again.
  8. The panel backers are .125" ABS plastic sheet. I bought it from Professional Plastics. They sell in in 4' x 8' sheets ... unless you want to pay freight, you'll have to ask them to cut it into pieces they can ship by UPS. When I bought it, a sheet was about $48. Now I see it's $60. Two sheets were enough for me to make the door panels, a trunk divider panel, kick panels, and kick panels for my 56 Ford pickup ... with a couple of fairly large pieces left over.
  9. I made some new door panels for my wife's 48' P-15, and they turned out pretty well. If anyone is interested in how to do their own, I'd be happy to share what I did. Some pics can be seen at Flickr (photosharing web site) at this URL http://www.flickr.com/photos/20963609@N06/sets/72157606586050445/ A little payback for those who have helped me from this forum.
  10. Why do I need a pattern or why do I need the pad? I think I'm going to try to make my own (the car I have had no interior except a dash and front seat). I think I'm going to use Low-E heat insulation and cover it with a layer of 1/16" rubber. sheet. It might not be period correct, but it should look okay and do the job.
  11. Does anyone make a firewall mat/pad for the P15? I asked the guy who makes them for F100 pickups, and he said he could if he had a pattern ... I could if I had a pattern.
  12. Did you rivet them back in? If so, how.? And how did you keep from tearing them as you mounted the vent window frame?
  13. Anybody installed these on a P-15 who can provide some advice? I have new seals from Steel Rubber and am getting ready to give it a try.
  14. Well I have my answer. NO! I bought the back seat out of a 48 Dodge Club Coupe and the bottom is about 1/2" wider than the space between the walls. I spent a couple of hours with a hacksaw and welder to narrow the seat frame 3/4" on each side, and now I think I can make it work. I'm really suprised the dimensions of the P-15 and D-24 are different on the inside.
  15. Does anyone know if the rear seat from a 1948 Dodge Club Coupe will fit in a 1948 Plymouth Club Coupe? To me, the main body looks the same.
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