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  • My Project Cars
    1966 Valiant, 1970 Challenger, 1947 Plymouth Club Coupe


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  1. the local napa was very helpfull to me when i replace all the dash lights in my dads 57 ford over the summer they had a book with the candle power and voltage of assorted bulbs
  2. you could also check out bigblockdart.com theres a bunch of good guys overthere. i have a dart but its in the midwest and isn't much of a project .its been my drag/street car for years
  3. i was a mechanic for 10 plus years ,before the ewalds bought our dealer and decided they didn't need any of its union employees and fired/didn't re hire us and since we were all unemployed and not paying dues anymore the union said there was nothing they could do. after that i helped a freind for a while managing asbetos/lead removal it was interesting but not well paying so i move on to assembling concrete conveyor trucks for a company called Putzmeister for 5 years untill the housing market droped out, and so did the neeed for our equiptment.Now i manage a warehouse for a freind of mine and my wifes its always busy and pays the bills .but i can't say i don't miss turning the wrenches just the headaches and ups and downs. Dominic
  4. man i need to get back on my 47 ,to bad i'm fixing the dart again DOH
  5. done and thnaks for the great site and making it easy for the computer iliterate to donate easily
  6. to bad they butcherd it with a small block chevy YUCK!!!!!!!
  7. i will try and remember that norm
  8. well at least i'm not alone
  9. ok are all car guys nuts or just me and my dad the reason i ask is i have my dart,and the 47 plymouth which is in a million pieces right now and need a lot of work and i'm considering buying another car can't get into details just yet but its a 40's mopar now i think it runs in the family because my dad has a 57 sendan 2 60 birds (1 he says is for parts) a 47 coupe ,sedan and truck YES ALL 3 and a 48 panel none of which are completed
  10. other than needing the differnt bellhousing ,hows it work does anyone have pictures???i like the price of langdons vs wilcap's
  11. norm there is also a all mopar swap the 22 of this month at root river lanes but its very rare to see anything pre 60's there and honestly most of the stuff is junk but sometimes theres a diamond in the manure pile:D
  12. looks nice , i wish i was making as much progress
  13. i would think welding the bolt should cause enough heat to unscrew them but the candle wax trick is pretty cool
  14. very nice i just wish my floor support braces looked that good , or where even still there
  15. i'm going to have to follow this one closely as i'm going to have to do the same and more on my 47
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