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  • My Project Cars
    1947 Plymouth business coupe

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  • Biography
    65 years old
  • Occupation
    logistical support in distribution


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  • Interests
    antique cars,street rods,racing of any kind,certified "do-it-yourself" nut

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  1. yea,heard about SMS. And I thought about Lebron Bonney too. Doesn't leave much out there. I was hoping for a kit of some kind. I'll keep researching. Thanks for the replies.
  2. Any suggestions on suppliers for P15 interiors ? I have 1947 Plymouth business coupe needing correct material for the headliner,door panels and seat.
  3. Does anyone know if there is anyplace to get mounting clips for the side body moulding for 1947 plymouth business coupe ? Are there any alternatives out there in lieu of the originals ? I've been to Hersey , looked in Hemmings etc. These really seem to be rather hard to find. Thanks for any help. Bill
  4. Took the side inspection plates off and cranked engine and the valves were moving up and down. So , I decided to go with the explanation that Merle presented. We kept on cranking the engine and lo & behold , a couple of cylinders fired off. We got it started and it was clacking for a hot 2 seconds , then quieted up. So, Merle was spot on. The old oil was hanging up the valves.I'm in the process of draining the old oil and putting in some light wt with a quart of Marvel's mystery oil to loosen everything up. Once I'm satisfied everything is ok, I will drain and replace with fresh oil. I would have never suspected the oil. Just proves that no matter what the oil looks like, if it is old , it has probably lost some of it's properties and needs changing. Lesson learned. Thanks to all who responded.
  5. I haven't gotten into it very deeply yet. The engine doesn't have many miles on it since my dad rebuilt it. It has been sitting , though, and been recently restarted. I have plans to check into the compression and such this weekend. I will post what I find. Thanks for responding
  6. I have a 1947 Plymouth business coupe with the flathead six. I took it out for a spin the other day and it ran fine. I backed into the garage and turned it off. A couple of days later, I went out to start the car and the engine is spinning too freely (sounds like newer cars when the timing belt breaks). Is there a key for the gear on the crank ? I'm wondering if that key sheared and now the cam isn't turning. The crank pulley is spinning. Is there another key for the pulley separate from the gear ? I want to look in the right direction before I start pulling the engine apart. Thanks for any replies
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