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    1952 dodge pickup


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  1. Pretty straight forward question which I think I know the answer, I have a 52 dodge truck with a leak in the radiator core. I need to remove the radiator, do I need to remove the entire front clip to remove the radiator or can I just pull off the hood components? The truck has been restored for several years. And I would hate to have to pull the front clip off.
  2. Do you stil need a front axle? I have one with all the brake drum assembly. If interested email me gfantazzi@comcast.net
  3. I am looking for the front shackle brackets which are riveted to the frame. I took the old ones off and the holes are somewhat "egg" shaped. I am close to putting the suspension back together. Any suggestions? I have a '52 B series 108 wheelbase. I don't have the numbers that are stamped on them because they are at a company who is trying to reproduce them. Any information would be helpful. Greg gfantazzi@dasd.org
  4. Does anyone know of a company that has new crossmembers for the bed of a 1952 108" wheelbase. All 4 of them ones are bent pretty good and I have gone to several metal fabricating shops to see if they could bend them for me in the "U" shape and everyone I have gone to seems to come up empty with a way to reproduce these. Does anyone have any advice? Greg
  5. Ken- Yes, I need the riveted one one both sides of the front suspension. They are the rear ones to the front. If you have one that will help. Contact me at gfantazzi@comcast.net Greg
  6. I am looking for 2 front shackle brackets for a 1952 B series dodge truck. These brackets are listed as code 13-53-17 and part number 1194-163. Does anyone have these. They are brackets which were riveted onto the frame. You can contact me at gfantazzi@comcast.net
  7. I am looking for a set of running boards for a 108" wheelbase. Does anyone have a set in good condition for purchase? If so you can contact me @ gfantazzi@comcast.net
  8. Is it better to powdercoat a frame or us something like zero rust? I am going to have the frame blasted and keep hearing different opinions. Maybee With the springs and rear is what I am hearing different stories on. I am assuming if you powdercoat, it would be a low gloss black finish? Does anyone know what the best way would be and what would have a good look?
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