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Andrew O'Brien

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10 Good


  • Location
    Yarmouth, Maine Neah the Watah
  • Interests
    Antique Dodge Trucks,

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  1. I had a similar problem on my B2G, and found the piston actuator rod at the master cylinder was adjusted too far in and not allowing the internal check valve to close. If after sitting, are you able to pump up the brakes so you have a decent pedal, without bleeding? Andy
  2. According to the hollander book, Dodge Truck Engines starting with T172-, are from a 1950 B2b. Hope this helps you. Andy
  3. I'm looking for a 5 speed overdrive transmission for a 1950 B2G. They were offered as an option in the B2H model but would be a direct replacement for the G as well. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Ooops. I go this late didn't I.

  5. That's a workday for me. I'd love to though!

  6. I am going to Leon's on Tuesday morning would you like to meet up? Rodney.

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