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Everything posted by lightsnbags

  1. Thanks Dave That sounds like it could be contributing, The motor mounts are not looking the greatest.
  2. yeah she came mostly as you see it, I have had it for 3 years now and had alot of fun with her, I just hope that this issue I am having doesnt put me out of the drivers seat for too long.
  3. Thanks I will have a look at all the things you mentioned. As for the paint, I know but I'm working on mech stuff first so this flat black will have to do for now
  4. Hey all. Have been a member for a while just havent posted before. I love the forum and has already helped me with numerous tasks I have completed over the winter. Eveything from lowering to rewiring. Anyways to my Question. I was reading other clutch related posts and came across one that seems to be having the same issue as me. Unfortunatly no one answered his post. So Ill try again. Heres the issue, When I am getting rolling from a complete stop on a bit of an incline or slightly unlevel ground, I let out the clutch pedal and the egine or clutch seem to (jump) and make all kinds of noise if i put the pedal back down and let off the gas it stops,(but of course I didnt get going) I cant figure it out. If I am comming down a slight grade or copletely level ground I cand get in 1st by letting out the pdal with a bit of gas no problem. Once driving Im good, no slipping just getting going from a stop is giving me problems. I look forward to hearing from anyone who has any ideas Thanks Everyone And here are some pics of my old beauty
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