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10 Good
  1. Another thing to check for is vacuum leaks. Lean combustion stinks way worse than rich, not just gassy smell but really nasty!
  2. Thanks for the advice! Having this forum to help with the details is going to be very helpful. Thanks again!
  3. On the front inner fender of my P15 there was a rubber strip wire stapled to the inner fender. This strip seals between the frame and inner fender. Where can I find replacements or rubber material of the proper thickness?
  4. On a 48 convertible does anything bolt to the flat area on the right front inner fender? My flat area has 4 bolt holes and a stress crack... just wondered if that was because of something mounted there or just happened on the road between here and there.,
  5. Thanks for the quick reply!!!
  6. I'm working on a 48 convertible and need a picture of how twin heater hoses were hooked up.
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