hey guys this this is my first time to ever join or post a thread. i have inherited a 1949 dodge d24. this was my grampas dads car that he bought new then gave it to my grampaw and now was given to me. it has been sitting at my parents for about 27 years i have taken the complete cooling, fuel, and braking system apart. i will try to get some pics of the car. anyways now the head is off valve covers etc.... so would like to know as much as possible about this car it has all original parts ALL numbers matching this car has alot of sentimental value to me and will be in our family as long as iam alive. i am getting ready to hone the cylinders, replace water pump , fuel pump, replace the water distribution tube and take off both manifolds when i put every thing back together i would like to paint everything the color that it was originally soooo what color was block, manifolds, head, thermostate housing etc. sorry for such a long posting thanks for any help that you guys can help me with THANKS TYLER