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About Mustang6147

  • Birthday 03/03/1966


  • Interests
    Drag Racing/Street Rods

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    Union Trade

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  1. Mine have studs..... Man I wish this guy was closer.... His backing plates are 12 inches, we are assuming his brakes are the 11. I am going to measure my brakes in the morning, I hate getting bit up by skeeters....
  2. no deal ? Ok thanks....
  3. Thank you.... The dilemma is, he took the drums to the parts store. (same place he works) and they landed up getting scrapped.... So, I figured I would try and help this guy out, since I sold my Plymouth, but still have a bunch of stuff.... Stock uprights, springs, drums bearings backing plates and complete new brakes.... I also have a nose piece for a Kingsway..... So he has had no luck finding the drum specs, so I figured you all at this forums are the gurus on this..... SO many thanks. I will ask if he has the big frame, and what size if he knows his drums are..... I wonder if the back would be any way of telling?
  4. I have a question... Will the drums off a 1941 Plymouth 4 door car, fit on the front of a 1954 Dodge Royal ? I went to Kanter Automotive cross ref them, the numbers are the same but the suffix letter on the 41 is A the 54 B...... Will they fit? Will they work?? and what about the bearings? Thank you for any input, I am tryin to help a fellow car guy out.
  5. Why not just buy the dropped uprights from Fatman Fab.... you get 2 inches or so with a few hours of work.
  6. NAPA and Federated are always my first choice. If I buy a used car and it has Twighlightzone or Advance parts on it, I switch them out. I am not into chinese garbage that fails way to early. Its kinda strange to connect Nappa with a discount parts store like advance. My opinion is, this person is connected to Advance some how, otherwise why would he go in there other then to buy waxes or car washes.
  7. Does anyone know what guage the original floor boards metal was, on a 41 plymouth 4 door?
  8. Jim Thank you so much..... That is exactly what we where thinkin was the issue. I had a straight pipe in stead of a muffler, noticing the input and output of the pipes, and being replaced with the straight pipe through it all off. I landed up turning the one pipe and cutting 8 inches off, and then turning the other, and cutting off almost 10 inches, and It is on and is great. Thanks again for the diagram which I downloaded. Mike
  9. I think I have too much pipe, I can make it fit if I cut section out of the rear 2 pieces which I do not want to do just yet until I can see a diagram. I looked in my repair manual and there is nothing on the exhaust. I have a couple buddies coming over to eye ball it incase I am missing something..... Anyone with a diagram would be helpfull....
  10. Does anyone have an exhaust system diagram? I have my pipes, bought from Kepich. My front 2 fit, but the back 2, I am not so sure. When I say front 2, the manifold pipe, and I hade one in place of the muffler made so I have straight pipe, but the rear 2 arent right..... Any help would be great, Yes I called them but they are closed already, yes if I cant get a diagram then I will have to wait. Thanks
  11. Got my exhaust today from Kepich. Pretty heavy guage tubing, I was impressed, I will check the fit and then post.....
  12. Hey Mike, just checking if John got ahold of you...
  13. Hey Tod Thanks, I was baffled when I read this, so I figured I would post it, incase I was missing something. I get the whole bypass filter thing, I cut a bunch of filters apart looking into bypass valving a few years ago, mostly on race engines or higher RPM engine application. But this article I read threw me. Thanks Again
  14. Charlie Sheen has some real competition, he probably doesnt even know about. Its right here on the forums.... I have seen some really wild responses to honest questions from people who are normaly pretty stright shooters. Maybe its somthing in the water?
  15. The oil filter on my engine is the old one it came with. I simply wanted to know if this was at all true, so I threw it out there....
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