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  1. ok. did the battery to gen (arm) still no luck. The wiring in this truck is pretty rough. Should I look at replacing at least the wiring in the charging system?
  2. I watched to video and tried it at the regulator. No luck. Now the other video showing to do it at the generator show how to do it, but he made the statement that the jumper was hooked to a known power source. I am guessing that it comes straight from the battery. Is it hooked to the positive or negative? And is the truck running when I do this?
  3. not charging the battery
  4. I really have no clue how to check the system I have done a few things with a meter, but once again not sure what I am looking for. The generator is putting out 7 volts. When I check different leads in the regulator they are as follows. Arm to fields read 4 volts, arm & battery read 5.9, field & battery read 6.2. If I disconnect the battery the truck dies.
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