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Ian McGuire

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10 Good
  1. Hi guys, Boxer (Rob) 's Dad here again from New Zealand and delighted to see that my old girl Dorothy now has some new innards! What a great wiring job. Well done Rob - something I doubt I would ever have tackled. As for the remote starting button, well yes I did know about that but I guess we never got around to talking about it when I was handing the car over or indeed discussing electrical things since. Glad it has been revealed though - mighty handy. So what's the next project???? Cheers all.
  2. Hullo all, Rob's Dad (Ian) and previous owner of 'Dorothy' here. Dorothy's colour is not an original Mopar one. It was selected from a Nissan/Datsun colour chart way back in the early '80's and was called something like "sorimame green". As I said, not original but I liked it and it stands out! When I bought Dorothy I was told she had started life as the personal car of the Chief of Police in Singapore and was imported to New Zealand in about 1955. She lived in the South Island city of Dunedin for a few years (I guess that's where the heater was added - they get very cold and snow etc. there) and at some stage travelled north to the city of Christchurch which is where I found her. She had been well looked after and was in running condition when bought. Now that Rob has her I hope to see plenty of pics on line with he and his young family enjoying cruising the Far North Queensland roads. I don't expect to be a regular contributor now that Dorothy has a new home but will keep a watching brief. Cheers all. Ian
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