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  1. dgrinnan's post in 6 volt to 12 volt step up converter was marked as the answer   
    You need to check the amprege requirements of the Newport wiper motor.  I can't speak to how well this unit will work for powering a wiper motor but I installed it to power a cigarette lighter style accessory plug so I can run 12v accessories such as a dash fan and a cell phone charger.  It works well for those.  It will support 10 amps.  $25.
  2. dgrinnan's post in Parts source was marked as the answer   
    Just to follow up.  I counted wrong.  My spline is 16 but I have found and installed a replacement drive shaft from a 53 Dodge D100.  All specification were the same except the actual diameter of the drive shaft is larger.  Length, splines and old Cleveland style u-joints.  I found the slip joint at DCM. 
  3. dgrinnan's post in Part numbers source was marked as the answer   
    That looks like the same one I just bought in electronic form.  Thanks for doing the research. 
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