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    29 Model A, 33 Ford p/u, 38 Chrysler, 47 Aerosedan, 49 Plymouth, 57 Savoy, 73 Firebird Formula 400


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  1. As a follow up here.... After taking my time and being meticulous in double checking my work. I'm happy to report the engine fired off and settled into a melodic rumble with no fanfare. Minute leaks at the waterpump bypass and fuel pump were quickly handled. After stationary break in was completed, a short test drive shows promise.
  2. Thanks, but it looks like we're going to do the upgrade. Knowing the difficulty of obtaining quality rebuild parts now, it only makes sense.
  3. Test driving after engine rebuild, the first 5 miles were pretty uneventful., other than a slight vibration at speed that I attributed to flat spotted tires. In the last 1/4 mile, a rhythmic squeak appeared while moving. The sound was too rapid for wheels/brakes so I felt the issue would be a driveshaft problem. Pulled the driveshaft and found a "crunchy" end. Opened the end and found a metal sliver in the grease, a loose washer and a worn/damaged ball. My guess is that this is the culprit for the squeak and the vibration. So.....it looks like a decision is about to be made to rebuild the ball and trunnion or update to modern u joints.
  4. Glad to hear your thoughts on this. I stopped by the machine shop and his thoughts were the same. He was a bit perplexed as to how it could have happened. The machine shop owner gave me 3 options. 1) try to have it welded and repaired in place, 2) pull the engine, find a replacement block and he'll eat machining cost to get another engine going, 3) run it as it is and if there is an issue on the next year, revert to option 2. This is after I've sat on this engine for 2 years after they did their work. We'll hopefully fire it up this week.
  5. 2 years ago i sent this engine to the machine shop to be rebuilt. Finally got time to put it back together. Set the engine in the car, and realized I never checked/adjusted the valves. I pulled the passenger inner fender, side covers and started the process. Then I found this....crack in the tappet bore! How does this even happen?
  6. My eyes arent what they used to be and the covering wasn't apparent with the naked eye. Thanks for the quick respnse.
  7. Putting together an engine and looking everything over closely. Found this wire in the distributor with no insulation. Is this wire supposed to be bare or do I need to replace it?
  8. This hole just under the screw. This is, of course, inside the oil pan.
  9. Under way on reassembling the rebuilt motor. The machine shop returned a few random bolts and plugs with no explanation a to where they go. Thankfully I took plenty of photos and have got the plugs and most bolts reinstalled - all but 1. Can anyone verify if there is a 5/16"-18 x 3/4" bolt that is installed on the inside of the "saddle"? There is a hole on the passenger side that is not threaded, but appears to go into the back side of the timing plate. Unable to upload photo for reference.
  10. I've done several engines in the past (everything except Flathead), but had a mentor close by if I had questions. Sadly, he's no longer around and this is the first unsupervised, that's why I've got the jitters. The known potential issues with the oil pump has me concerned. And thanks for the reference video.
  11. I was planning on reassembling the engine from the 49 Plymouth Spring 2023 as it had just made it back from the machine shop. Things got busy and the engine was pushed to the corner until this week. Going through research and the service manual, I'm still feeling a bit nervous. Quite a bit nervous, actually. I'm sure I'm overthinking and creating my own drama. Any step by step guides you use you care to share? And for those more proficient, how long does it take you to reassemble an engine ready to fire?
  12. 49 Plymouth I pulled and sent engine to machine shop. Once work was completed, machine shop pointed out part of the oil pump housing was broke and missing (covering shaft). I ordered a new pump and am getting things lined up to put this engine back together. Playing with both pumps, I noticed the original pump had a little "catch", as if it was creating a vacuum. The new pump spun with no "catch", essentially spinning freely. Why the difference? Does my rambling make sense? Probably a simple answer, I just want to do this right the first time so that I'm not having to do it a second time.
  13. DPOLLO! You are a rock star! I've pulled many hoods in my past (automotive, of course) and it never occurred to me that the bolts were on the lower edge of the hood. I was looking everywhere BUT there. 5 minutes and the hood was off. Thanks.
  14. 49 Plymouth Engine developed a nice little knock when it's warmed up, engine needs to come out. How to pull hood? I see the 6 bolts at the cowl, 2 are external and can be removed from the engine bay. The remaining 4 are internal and must be removed from inside the car, the only issue is that I can not locate the bolt heads to get a socket onto. Am I overlooking and obvious access point? Seems basic, maybe my brain is too tired to see it.
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