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  • My Project Cars
    50 Plymouth
    95 wrangler


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    Diesel Tech

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  1. Perfect. Thank you!
  2. Just installed a factory hood latch and I’m needing to fab up a support for the grille/latch. Currently I have no support on it and would like to see how it was from the factory. If anyone could post a few pictures to help me out I would definitely appreciate it!
  3. Kellner


    Does anyone have any suggestions or pictures (installed) of an aftermarket hvac unit for this model? Trying to decide if I want to install an under dash unit or fit one behind the dash and add duct work with vents coming out of the front of the dash.
  4. Kellner


    Thanks for the info
  5. Kellner


    I live in Tennessee and it is getting transported from NY next week…and btw I’ll be pulling that Chevy motor and installing a modern Hemi
  6. Kellner


    So I just bought this and I’m new to old iron. I’m a diesel tech for dodge and I’ve been at the same dealership for 16 years. I’ve been a Jeep guy since I was 20 and haven’t owned a car since I was 15 (all Jeep’s and rams). Bought the car on eBay and I have always wanted this body style. Any help de coding this vin? 15440859 .
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