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  • My Project Cars
    1942 Dodge WC 52

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  • Biography
    Soldier living in Germany
  • Occupation
    US Army


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    Armed Forces other
  • Interests
    All Vehicles before 1975

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  1. Hey Thanks alot The engine from T37 is from 1948. However who knows what was replaced in this one. Hey thanks everyone for all the great info and knowledge. I have an interesting job to do and will post my findings and pictures when I am done. Thank you
  2. Thanks I understand now. So there is no change in the size of threads (meaning bolt size) when the nut is screwed into the crank. They all should be the same for cars and trucks for Dodge?
  3. Hey Thanks Mr Neal That is what I thought at first. My Crank does fit but slips on the badly worn jaws. Not that i tried to start it ( scared). That nut is about 38-41 mm not like the spec ones for a Dodge truck. Why would this be considerably smaller. It looks like one from a Willys Jeep. I have a replacement nut 1 13/16 and lock washer. I want to make it right. I hope it works.
  4. Bryan What is the difference in Cars and Truck with pulley and nut?
  5. I also thought maybe the truck had a car replacement crank and the PO welded the Crank Jaw nut to a smaller one to make it fit. Is that possible?
  6. Thanks everyone wow, Sounds like I am in for heavy work. Do you think that nut is from a car or truck? I looks like the nut was welded to another one to fit. Could my crank be from a car and the PO mad an adapter? Would a car crank fit in the truck flathead 6? I thought they would be the same.
  7. Thanks everyone Dodge Military had a Crank nut for the crank handle. The standard ones like in the pictures above still is not the one on my engine. Strange, could it be homemade? The Nut is about 42mm. really puzzled about it. The engine runs great but the pulley needs replaced. I hope I can get this thing off. Thanks for all the advice Curt
  8. I wanted to check my Timing chain gears. when I went to remove the Nut. I found one I never seen before. The engine is from Europe and the engine is 1948 T37. The Nut is smaller than 1 13/16. Could anyone identify this nut? Would you think that it would be a problem to put the standard nut and lock washer back on? Thanks Curt
  9. Hi Kevin I was using the GTX, but that was a typo on my part. Sorry for that, and I had to laugh. I use Rotella T4 10W30 for that old engine and it is awesome. Cheers Thanks again?
  10. Well, after a long break and re-attacking the noise. I replaced everything from the Pilot bushing clutch, and transmission. All new and looks good. Took a drive and the ticking was back. I had a qualified Mechanic tell me it was a gear rattling somewhere and not the engine. Thank goodness. I finally decided to pull the 6V starter ( was kind of old rebuild). when I took it out. The bearing was shot and the entire insides were loose and slopping around. Even if you held the arm. I had checked this earlier when looking to see if the gear was contacting flywheel. It was not, and the truck started fine. My truck is 12V so I put a NOS rebuilt 12V starter with return spring on the arm. Noise was gone. Unbelievable!!!!! The 6V Starter was KAPUT. It would start making the noise at a certain RPM and we figured that the bearing and internal parts were so worn, they were rattling at certain RPMs. I can say I fell more confident now that I know the truck intimately and learned a lot. Thanks everyone for all your assistance and advice. Problem fixed. The transmission needed replacing anyway. It was leaking from everywhere. So was well worth it. Hope everyone has a Safe, Healthy New Year.
  11. Mr. Combs That would be awesome. It would be great to know what it is. I looked everywhere on the internet with the numbers. No luck. I thought maybe if the PTO port is on the right side, it may be UK. Then I realized that it did not matter if the steering was on the left or not. LOL Thanks and this info would be great. BTW it is painted red under all the grease.
  12. Just an update, the Transmission has two rails and not three. Thanks everyone
  13. Thanks Everyone It does look similar to the 54 Trans, but as Mr. Coggins said. It does not have the New Process logo. It has that strange arrowhead that says CP on the side, and if you look at the numbers on top. There is some sort of emblem upper right. Could it be European made under dodge contract? The PTO cover is on the right side, and all the WC 51/52s are on the left side. First I ever saw this also, and it looks like a small transmission could not power a winch. Just my thoughts. Thanks again everyone for your input. Curt
  14. Hello All We cleaned out a warehouse in Holland and found this transmission. The owner things its Dodge, but too small for WC Dodge 51/52. Could anyone know what it is? Thanks Curt
  15. Thank you Sir That is one less worry for me, in the troubleshooting process. Cheers
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