good morning to all, nice info you all have here, thanks! I recently went out of the box of Chevrolet and purchased a 1939 Plymouth Convertible that has a 1946 218 P15 motor in it. the owner from Washington said it ran fine, it gets delivered and the car is dead, the key was on. ok so we push it into garage. we try to fire up the 6 volt system but battery is dead. tried to charge it no luck, bought a new one from napa. pulling back the choke the car fired up after several attempts cool we take for drive but when we got home that was it, the car didn't fire up again. with advice from others i did the following:
replaced battery cables and went to 0 size. negative goes to starter and positive to frame
replaced 6 volt coil with positive going to distributor and negative going to ignition
had started checked, its good
rebuilt carburetor
replaced points and condenser
if i put key on, using my test light i get a light on ignition, on + side of coil, on cable leading to distributor but i get no spark on #1
the spark plugs do look worn out so i am thinking of going to napa ordering spark plugs, rotor and rotor cap plus spark plug cables and see if that resolves issue
maybe a bad distributor? i had read the Poor Man’s Distributor Test Bench but the part after marking the TDC (firing up the engine) i cant proceed due to engine not firing up
any suggestions? forgive my ignorance i am trying to learn rather than just taking the car into shop. thanks in advanced