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Johnny Reb

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About Johnny Reb

  • Birthday 01/12/1951

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    East Texas
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Dodge B2B Truck, 1950 Chevrolet 3100, 1951 Willys M38 Jeep, 1952 Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe, 1927 Chevrolet Capitol Cabriolet, 10 Farmall letter series, 3 Ford N's, 1 TO Ferguson

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    Retired Agri. Science teacher
  • Occupation


  • Location
    De Kalb, Texas
  • Interests
    Vintage Automobile and Tractor Restoration

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  1. TY.................................
  2. TY.............
  3. TY.............
  4. This is what it should be...is it one router bit or two???
  5. Does anyone have a pic of the bit or bits used to router the bed wood. I have many bits, but not sure besides measurements what the bit looks like. Can it be done with one bit or is two needed. Anyone who has done there own, please clue me in . Kits are $300+, but wood is no more than $70 for hard yellow pine like original. I have bought new strips and bolts. What bit does this , or does it take two??????????????
  6. I will see...I have been unable to find the bolts, as I cut them into and I think threw all away. I will see. TY
  7. The holes have a pattern almost like a star bit where the serrated bolts were driven into the holes.
  8. nope...holes too small..
  9. yes, the original bolts removed had multiple grooves all around the bolts...no shoulders...
  10. My original strips have round holes...not square holes. Most kits say carriage bolts with square shoulders??? What is it that I am missing. They will not work in round holes??
  11. TY............................
  12. It was 12v converted by the previous owner to 12v negative ground, so am I OK????
  13. It is negatively ground internally through the frame as is the battery. What is the problem??
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