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Everything posted by BrandonBDenver

  1. Thank you for all of the replies. Looks like removing the pan is the winner haha! (followed by welding metal in place of the bondo patch I discovered)
  2. It seems easy upon inspection but everyone tells me it is very hard with the floor panel intact
  3. What presents the biggest challenge when trying to reinstall?
  4. Hi I am replacing the brake master cylinder on my 1946 Plymouth (P15) Sedan. I know that you have to remove the floor panel to do this but is it possible to do by jacking the car up and removing the master cylinder from underneath? Seems I missed a small bondo patch on the floor when buying this car and removing the panel may damage the previous owners fix. Thanks!
  5. the previous owner of my 46 special deluxe sedan put the chrome strips (the ones that ride below the rear side windows) on upside down. How do I remove them without damaging them? I know that they slide on the clips but do I just pull them straight off or is there a technique that I should know about that will save time and frustration?
  6. I think it is all new wiring. Hoping the previous owner didn't screw up when installing ?
  7. This appears to be wiring specific to the turn signal switch (unless I am wrong). Do you have a similar diagram for the headlight switch wiring?
  8. This appears to be wiring specific to the turn signal switch (unless I am wrong). Do you have a similar diagram for the headlight switch wiring?
  9. Sorry, Don! Reread that and see what you mean haha! It's still early Maybe I need to replace the bulb but it looks like both filaments are good. Would the tail lights be on a separate fuse? Maybe it was overlooked when the previous owner did the 12v conversion.
  10. That is the issue though, there is only one bulb in the housing...
  11. My car is a 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe sedan. It has been converted to 12v. Headlights work, turn signals work (front and rear), brake lights work, but... no tail lights? The bulb in the brake/tail light housing is a dual filament (one for brake one for turn signal). Should there be another bulb for the tail lights or am I thinking about this incorrectly? any help is greatly appreciated so I can take her to evening car shows this summer and be seen driving home (and not get ticketed as well haha!) Thanks!
  12. Total POS not worth saving. Will probably just cut it off
  13. I have a steering wheel that will not come off. I have tried multiple pullers, tons of lube, beating it with a hammer etc. nothing works. It is so stuck that the tapered end of the puller actually stretched out the threaded open end of the shaft (I will probably have to replace the entire shaft if I ever want to be able to bolt on a new wheel). Am I missing something here?
  14. Thank you! Figured as much. Oh well. It will keep me busy this week haha!
  15. Bought a '46 Plymouth Special Deluxe and have been slowly getting everything working properly. Hooked up the speedometer cable yesterday and it goes crazy (needle bounces all over). Does the cable need attention or is the gauge shot?
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